Tuesday, November 08, 2011


i stay up all night, just to be more awake the next day. not have to deal with my thoughts. it's quite refreshing. i shall accomplish something now, too.

Sunday, November 06, 2011


i haven't washed my hair in about 6 months now.

not with shampoo.. :P

and you know what? it's softer and more manageable than ever before!
people, stop using these unnecessary chemicals.
your hair will take care of itself.

side note: i wash with water and by rubbing my fingers through it.

this blog

is becoming obsolete.
what can i do with it?
hmm dunno.

i woke at 5 am this morning. i believe we got an extra hour of sleep.. yeah?
the sky was purple, with yellow along the trees.
my cat desperately wants to get my attention.

Saturday, November 05, 2011